Thursday 13 February 2014

Lets' get started...

12/02/2014 (Week 1)

I can't believe today is the day...

We had so many problems getting to this point that I didn't think it would ever come.
Settlement was scheduled for July 2013, then to August, then to September and it finally happened on October 18th 2013.

It was too late to be able to start building in October which was a requirement by Porter Davis to get this massive discount worth $10.000. Luckily even though our site transfer date was set for the 8th of November we were able to keep the discount.

On November 8th I get a call from my BC telling me we do not have a building permit due to the BAL assessment which came back at it's highest possible level Flame zone. I tried for weeks to figure out who can help out, the CFA, the local Council, HIA, VBA... whoever I called, no one had anything to do with it, as if BAL happens by itself and no one made it happen. The funny thing was that the house on our right has been there for probably a year now, built before the Bushfire prone area has been determined and the house on our left was in full construction with the BAL assessed to only 12,5, so how come we are 4 levels above that?
The solution was to get the grass behind the block cut and get it all reassessed. That happened in January which got us down to a BAL 29. We were not too happy with that and expected an additional cost of aprox $10.000 which we couldn't afford, Luckily it was around $3000 but we had to give up on our bi-fold window in the kitchen which was $2500 by itself so the expense wasn't that much.

This is how our block looks today...


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